Monday, November 02, 2009


Yet Another Staff Suicide

It hurts my soul that another exemplary correctional worker killed himself yesterday. His suicide blind-sighted & knocked the wind out of all who knew him. It hurts that he was all alone in his pain to the end, tormented by what proved for him to be unbearable heartache & hopelessness, yet he didn't feel safe to confide in any of his corrections "comrades in arms."
What do you think drove him to pretend everything was manageable & that he was OK?
From having spoken with 100s of you 1-on-1 over the past 9 years I'd say it's the culture that mocks & tears down whoever is perceived to be "weak." (For "weak," read "human.")
Paranoia prevails about being seen as a wus, because staff witness how those who do seek help get treated by their peers. Just admitting they're in emotional pain may render them an outcast in a hurry. Others are afraid (apparently for good reason) that seeking professional help will ruin their opportunities for promotion.
It's such a tragic choice to have to pick between being human & disrespected vs. respected & dead.
There's LOTS wrong with this picture. The picture needs to change yesterday!
And it's not just about intervening with people who have hit the wall & are on their last legs emotionally. It's also about being proactive & promoting staff & family wellness from the start, from the Training Academy & on a regular basis after that, & putting our money where our mouth is. Staff IS the most valuable asset in corrections.
Got to wire people for LIFE & to equip them to weather life's storms.

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