Wednesday, June 28, 2006



If you could change THREE things to improve your corrections workplace, what would these be? Why?

I have been a correctional officer for twelve years. You have to learn to leave it all at the gate!

Posted by Anonymous to Desert Waters Correctional Outreach at 6/29/2006 06:36:31 AM
And how do YOU manage to do that? Sometimes it's impossible to leave it all at the gate. Your mind's still racing with the shift's events & your body is pumped full of adrenaline. Can't just turn it off at the gate!
You have several options. This is the one I chose. As soon as you get home,change and go for a brisk walk. Work up a sweat. That way I know that I am burning up the stress hormone, cortisol-which has bad side effects if not removed. When I am done, I take a shower. I imagine all the garbage I dealt with and saw being washed into the sewer where it belongs and out to where there are processes to cleanse it out.
Focus more on my co-workers: we are a team whether or not we realize it.
Focus on the basics of my job: firm, fair, consistent.
Be a leader. I do not have to have some fancy title to lead. All I need is to do the right thing.
The exersize thing is key! I too have been a correctional officer for 12 years. Up until my eighth year I was becoming increasingly hermit like, avoided people or new situations, I went through a horrible divorce do in large part to work, gained over 125 pounds in 8 years of corrections, started drinking to feel "less uptight" in social situations, etc. 4 years ago I started triathlon as a hobby. Do to the exersize portion of triathlon I'm less stressed, more able to deal with sress, feel better, look better, etc. Because of the social aspect of triathlon I am better able to handle social situations. So my suggestion is to join a club for triathlon, running, biking, swimming, or martial arts. The exersize and non-prison social situations will make you feel better all around. I garentee it.
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